2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Comparison proximate analysis and heating value between cassava rhizome and perennial wood 
Date of Acceptance 13 September 2011 
     Title of Journal Advanced Materials Research 
     Institute of Journal Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 
     ISBN/ISSN 1662-7482 
     Issue 415-417 
     Month December
     Year of Publication 2011 
     Page 1693-1696 
     Abstract Cassava is one of the most important crops in Nakhon Ratchasima province which grows the most cassava in the Northeast of Thailand. Therefore, a large amount of cassava rhizome is left in the field after harvest. The objectives of this research were to study the potential of using residue biomass from the cassava crop i.e. cassava rhizomes. The physical properties and heating value of the cassava rhizomes were evaluated and compared with perennials. The analysis consisted of proximate analysis to measure moisture content, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon. Heating values were measured using the IKA*C5003 automatic bomb calorimeter. The results were that for high moisture content of about 49-52% the cassava rhizomes had properties inferior to the perennials. When the moisture content of the rhizomes was reduced until around 12%, the properties were equivalent to those of wood samples that had about 2% moisture content. The proximate analyses gave ash 1.8-2.8%, volatile matter 72-75% and fixed carbon 9-13%. Moreover, its average heating values were around 17.08 MJ/kg, while the wood samples were around 17.78 MJ/kg. It appears that cassava rhizome has a high potential as an energy source. Using it to replace wood fuel is possible but it is necessary to reduce the moisture content to an appropriate level. 
     Keyword Cassava rhizome, Biomass, Proximate analysis and Heating value 
527040021-4 Miss JARINEE JONGPLUEMPITI [Main Author]
Engineering Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation false 
Part of thesis true 
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