2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Development of a real-time PCR assay with fluorophore-labelled hybridization probes for detection of Schistosoma mekongi in infected snails and rat feces 
Date of Acceptance 19 March 2012 
     Title of Journal Parasitology 
     Institute of Journal Cambridge University 
     Volume 10 
     Issue 139 
     Month September
     Year of Publication 2012 
     Page 1266-1272 
     Abstract Schistosoma mekongi, a blood-dwelling fluke, is a water-borne parasite that is found in communities along the lower Mekong River basin, i.e. Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic. This study developed a real-time PCR assay combined with melting-curve analysis to detect S. mekongi in laboratory setting conditions, in experimentally infected snails, and in fecal samples of infected rats. The procedure is based on melting-curve analysis of a hybrid between an amplicon from S. mekongi mitochondrion sequence, the 260 bp sequence specific to S. mekongi, and specific fluorophore-labelled probes. This method could detect as little as a single cercaria artificially introduced into a pool of 10 non-infected snails, a single cercaria in filtered paper, and 2 eggs inoculated in 100 mg of non-infected rat feces. All S. mekongi-infected snails and fecal samples from infected rats were positive. Non-infected snails, non-infected rat feces, and genomic DNA of other parasites were negative. The method gave high sensitivity and specificity, and could be applied as a fast and reliable tool for cercarial location in water environments in endemic areas and for epidemiological studies and eradication programmes for intermediate hosts. 
     Keyword feces; rat; real-time PCR; Schistosoma mekongi ; snails 
547070011-1 Miss ORANUCH SANPOOL [Main Author]
Medicine Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation true 
Part of thesis true 
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