2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Variability of hemoglobin F expression in hemoglobin EE disease: hematological and molecular analysis 
Date of Acceptance 26 February 2014 
     Title of Journal Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases 
     Institute of Journal Elsevier 
     Year of Publication 2014 
     Abstract Although themolecular basis of variability of hemoglobin (Hb) F has been extensively examined in β-thalassemia and sickle cell diseases, less study has been done on Hb E disorder. To address the variability of Hb F expression in Hb EE disease,we have examined multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the β-globin gene cluster, BCL11A and HBS1L-MYB genes and determined their associations with Hb F levels in this syndrome. Study was done on 141 adult Thai individuals with homozygous Hb E. Hematological parameters were recorded and Hb F measured using Hb-HPLC analyzer. It was found in 26 cases that co-inheritance of α-thalassemia could lead to significant lower production of Hb F. Association of Hb F expression with the Gγ-Xmn I polymorphismand other SNPs including rs2297339, rs2838513, rs4895441 and rs9399137 in HBS1L-MYB gene and rs4671393 and rs11886868 in BCL11A gene was therefore analyzed in the remaining 115 cases without α-thalassemia. It was found that 4 of these 7 SNPs including Gγ-XmnI polymorphism (rs7482144), HBS1L-MYB (rs4895441) and (rs9399137) and BCL11A (rs4671393) were significantly associated with higher proportions of subjects with high Hb F (Hb F ≥ 5%). The result demonstrated that multiple genetic modifying factors including T allele of Gγ-XmnI polymorphism (rs7482144), G allele of HBS1L-MYB (rs489441), C allele of HBS1L-MYB (rs9399137) and C allele of BCL11A (rs4671393) are associated with increased Hb F and in combination could explain approximately 80% of the variation of Hb F in Hb EE disease in Thai population. Other genetic factors regulating Hb F expression in this common genetic disorder remains to be elucidated. 
     Keyword Genetic modifying factors Homozygous Hb E Hb F BCL11A polymorphism HBS1L-MYB polymorphism Gγ-XmnI polymorphism 
517100002-4 Mr. NARUWAT PAKDEE [Main Author]
Graduate School Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ได้รับการตอบรับให้ตีพิมพ์ 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation false 
Part of thesis true 
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