2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Adsorption Behaviour of Heavy Metals on Various Soils 
Date of Acceptance 24 January 2014 
     Title of Journal Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 
     Institute of Journal Hard Publishing Company 
     Volume 23 
     Year of Publication 2014 
     Abstract This article studies the adsorption behaviours of Cu, Ni and Zn in various natural soils. The effects of contact time, adsorption isotherm and the effects of temperature were investigated, using the batch method. The column method was also adopted, to simulate the conditions found in the real field. The results indicate that the adsorption isotherm can be satisfactorily described using the Freundlich and Langmuir models. Almost all soils showed adsorption capacities, in the order of Ni>Cu>Zn. The adsorption capacity of the metals increased when temperatures increased. From the column test, we find that heavy metals can be leached from the soil using distilled water. After leaching, the adsorption capacity of the soils slightly increased. 
     Keyword heavy metals, adsorption, isotherm, soil, column test 
537040024-9 Mr. NOPPADOL SANGIUMSAK [Main Author]
Engineering Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ได้รับการตอบรับให้ตีพิมพ์ 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation false 
Part of thesis true 
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