2012 ©
ชื่อบทความ Survival Time and Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer after Radiotherapy in Thailand 
วัน/เดือน/ปี ที่ได้ตอบรับ 17 ธันวาคม 2557 
     ชื่อวารสาร Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 
     มาตรฐานของวารสาร ISI 
     หน่วยงานเจ้าของวารสาร the UICC-Asian Regional Office and an Official Journal of the International Association of Cancer Registries 
     ISBN/ISSN 1513-7368 
     ปีที่ 15 
     ฉบับที่ 23 
     เดือน xx
     ปี พ.ศ. ที่พิมพ์ 2558 
     หน้า xx 
     บทคัดย่อ Background: Breast cancer is an important cause of death among women. One way of classifying different forms of breast cancer is by molecular features, usually in terms of the four subtypes: luminal A, luminal B, HER2-enriched, and triple negative. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the association between molecular subtypes and survival among breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. The subjects were 272 breast cancer patients who had received treatment in the radiotherapy unit at Srinagarind Hospital, Thailand, between 1 January, 1999, and 31 May, 2009. The end of the study was 1 June, 2014. Overall survival was defined as the time elapsing between initial registration at the radiotherapy unit and death or the end of the study. Survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method, and a multivariate analysis was performed using Cox’s proportional hazard regression model. Results: The patient mean age was 47.5±10.4 at the time of diagnosis. Of the 272 patients, 146 (53.7%) were classified as luminal A, 12 (4.4%) as luminal B, 30 (11.0%) as HER2-enriched, and 84 (30.9%) as triple negative. The overall survival rates at 1, 3 and 5 years were 87.1%, 68.4% and 59.2%, respectively. According to molecular subtypes, HER2-enriched patients had the lowest 5-year survival rate (30.0 %, 95%CI: 15.02-46.55). The median follow-up time was 8.37 years. In the Cox model analysis a higher risk of death was found for patients with HER2-enriched (HRadj=3.34, 95%CI:1.96-5.67), triple negative (HRadj=2.17, 95%CI: 1.44-3.27), and stage IIlB (HRadj=2.20, 95%CI: 1.16-4.17) cancers. Conclusions: The worst survival rates were among patients classified as HER2-enriched, triple negative and at stage IIIB. Early detection and an advanced treatment modality are needed to help these patients. 
     คำสำคัญ Breast cancer - survival - molecular subtypes - radiotherapy 
555110124-4 นาย อภิชาติ ก้องเสียง [ผู้เขียนหลัก]
คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ ปริญญาโท โครงการพิเศษ

การประเมินบทความ มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
สถานภาพการเผยแพร่ ได้รับการตอบรับให้ตีพิมพ์ 
วารสารมีการเผยแพร่ในระดับ นานาชาติ 
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