2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Rural poverty policy and the implementation in Fugong County 
Date of Acceptance 17 September 2015 
     Title of Journal Humanities & Social Sciences 
     Standard TCI 
     Institute of Journal Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University 
     ISBN/ISSN 0125-5061 
     Volume 32 
     Month May-August
     Year of Publication 2016 
     Page 43-70 
     Abstract Poverty reduction is now the major issue for Chinese government to focus on and whose success, or otherwise, will directly affect the achievement of ‘Xiao Kang She Hui’ (moderately prosperous society). The Minimum Livelihood Guarantee Scheme (MLGS), also known as ‘Dibao’ is a national means-tested program to provide cash transfers to the poor based on a locally set minimum income level. Dibao program has been operated in Fugong County for six years, the achievement is obvious. Moreover, for reducing the poverty, the local government also applied the supportive policies based on local agriculture conditions. This paper mainly focuses on the poverty policy, trying to describe the rural poverty policy implementation in Fugong County, explore related policy recommendations based on ‘production of space’ theory. Specifically, this paper will divide into three main themes based on the focused topic. The first theme will overview the Dibao program in China and the background of Fugong county. The second theme will describe and explore the implementation of Dibao program, the other related poverty reduction program in Fugong County also described. The last theme for this paper is to discover the local policy recommendations for the future poverty reduction. For the better anti-poverty policy, ‘production of space’ theory is applied to emphasis the local people’s idea should be take into consider to make the better poverty reduction in current place. 
     Keyword Poverty Policy; Poverty Reduction; Implementation; Policy Recommendation, Fugong County 
567080014-1 Mr. CHUANCHEN BI [Main Author]
Humanities and Social Sciences Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication ชาติ 
citation true 
Part of thesis true 
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