2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title Application for Cell Segmentation and Counting Using Watershed Transforms 
Date of Distribution 30 June 2016 
     Title of the Conference Osaka 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) June 29-30, 2016 Osaka Japan 
     Organiser Academic fora 
     Conference Place Osaka International Convention Center 
     Province/State Osaka 
     Conference Date 29 June 2016 
     To 30 June 2016 
Proceeding Paper
     Volume 214 
     Page 30 
     Editors/edition/publisher Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences (MMHS-2016) 
     Abstract Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases for humankind, and the research community has been extensively active to find prevention and cure for the disease. The migration-invasion assay is one of the in vitro methods which is used to evaluate the spreading potential of cancer cells from primary site of tumor to other organs. The experiment involves the process of counting the spreading cancer cell to determine the ability of movement and the researchers usually count the cells under microscope manually or taking photos then count using software as an assisting tool. The application was evaluated using sample cancer cell images of Cholangiocarcinoma cells while moving through outer layer of protein outside cell by cell culture and drug. The results were compared to the numbers counted with three experienced researchers. The application has three modes, namely, semiautomatic dot, Semi-automatic and Automatic based on Watershed transform. The fully automatic mode is based on the algorithm in Cancer Cell Segmentation and Counting using Watershed Transforms (Namwong et al., 2015) whose accuracy is 97.01%. The semi-automatic based on Watershed allows the researchers to input essential parameters using their experience and the accuracy was improved to 99.99%. In addition, the semiautomatic dot mode is based on the algorithm in fully automated detection of the counting area in blood smears for computer aided hematology (Rupp et al., 2011) whose accuracy has also been improved from the automatic mode. Finally, in all three modes, the researchers were able to greatly reducing the time used in cell counting when compared to manual counting. 
575040069-7 Mr. KORAWIT NAMWONG [Main Author]
Engineering Master's Degree

Peer Review Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Full paper 
Type of Presentation Oral 
Part of thesis true 
Presentation awarding false 
Attach file
Citation 0
