2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article A large cohort of β(+)-thalassemia in Thailand: molecular, hematological and diagnostic considerations. 
Date of Acceptance 13 November 2014 
     Title of Journal Blood Cells Mol Dis 
     Standard ISI 
     Institute of Journal elsevier 
     Volume 2015 
     Issue 54(2) 
     Month Febuary
     Year of Publication 2015 
     Page 164-9 
     Abstract We report the molecular and hematological characteristics associated with a large cohort of β(+)-thalassemia in Thailand. Study was done on 21,068 unrelated subjects referred to our center in northeast Thailand for hemoglobinopathies investigation. Among 21,068 subjects, 2637 (12.5%) were found to carry β-thalassemia. Of these 2637 cases, 705 (26.7%) carried β(+)-thalassemia with eight different mutations including 6 promoter mutations; NT-28 (A-G), NT-31 (A-G), NT-50 (G-A), NT-86 (C-G), NT-87 (C-A) and NT-90 (C-T) and two missense mutations; Hb Malay (codon 19; AAC-AGC) and Hb Dhonburi (codon 126; GTG-GGG). Hematological features of carriers with these β(+)-thalassemia (n=528) were compared with those with β(0)-thalassemia (n=309). Data for Hb E-β(+)-thalassemia (n=177) were also presented along with Hb E-β(0)-thalassemia in our series (n=94). All patients with Hb E-β(+)-thalassemia were associated with mild thalassemia intermedia phenotypes. Most of the β(+)-thalassemia carriers had elevated Hb A2 and mild hypochromic microcytosis, some demonstrated borderline MCV and MCH values which, could compromise carrier screening. Analysis of α/β-globin mRNA ratio in representative cases with normal, Hb E trait, β(+)-thalassemia trait, Hb Dhonburi trait and β(0)-thalassemia trait demonstrated the average values of 1.1, 1.7, 2.1, 1.7 and 3.1, respectively which is helpful in identification and differentiation of the cases. 
     Keyword β+-Thalassemia, mRNA analysis, Hb Malay, Hb Dhonburi, Thalassemia screening 
497100016-1 Miss SUPAWADEE YAMSRI [Main Author]
Graduate School Doctoral Degree
567090001-4 Mr. KRITSADA SINGHA
Associated Medical Sciences Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation true 
Part of thesis true 
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