2012 ©
ชื่อบทความที่เผยแพร่ Personal factors and customer behavior affecting to satisfaction in service marketing mixed for user housing loan of the government savings bank in nakhon ratchasima province 
วัน/เดือน/ปี ที่เผยแพร่ 18 สิงหาคม 2560 
     ชื่อการประชุม The 3 rd International Conference on Innovative practices in business social scinces and humanities research 
     หน่วยงาน/องค์กรที่จัดประชุม IBSSH-2017 
     สถานที่จัดประชุม Flora creek deluxe hotel apartment 
     จังหวัด/รัฐ dubai UAE 
     ช่วงวันที่จัดประชุม 18 สิงหาคม 2560 
     ถึง 19 สิงหาคม 2560 
Proceeding Paper
     Volume (ปีที่) 01 
     Issue (เล่มที่) 03 
     หน้าที่พิมพ์ 14 
     Editors/edition/publisher IBSSH 
     บทคัดย่อ This research aims to 1) To study the personal factors of housing loan service users, 2) Study of behavior of consumers of housing loan service, 3) Satisfaction study of the marketing mix service of users of housing loan service, Government Savings Bank in NakhonRatchasima province. 4) To study the differences of personal factors and behavior that affects the satisfaction of service marketing mix factors. Use survey research, determining the sample size, using without probability Theory (Non-Probability) and use the convenient sample selection. Data were collected by using questionnaires. The sample is the customer of housing loan service users, 31 branches in NakhonRatchasima province, number 385 people. Statistics used in data analysis include: Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, deviation, the standard analysis of the differences between the two variables are independent,(Independent-samples t-test) and one way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA). The results were found that: Most of the samples were female between 31-40 years old, marriage status, bachelor's degree, government officer career/ state enterprise employees. The average monthly income is less than or equal to 20,000 baht. The behavior of a housing loan,Government Savings Bank of the sample found that:Most are intended for borrowers to build homes. Housing type is a detached house credit facility 1,000,0001-2,000,000 baht. Installment period from 21-30 years.The interest rate of the service is fixed at two years. Monthly installment rate less than 10,000baht.Know the housing loan Government Savings Bank on the advice of the employees. Satisfaction research results of service marketing mix factors of housing loan showed that: The overall picture is in average level is very high. When considering each side, it was found that: Product,Price,Place,Process and Productivity with the average high level. Promotion, personal and Physical evidence the average is moderate level.  
585210060-0 นาย ธัชพงษ์ โตกิ่งแก้ว [ผู้เขียนหลัก]
คณะบริหารธุรกิจและการบัญชี ปริญญาโท โครงการพิเศษ

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มีการเผยแพร่ในระดับ นานาชาติ 
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Citation 2