2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title Household Characteristics and Disaster Management Practice in Disaster Prone Area of Mt.Slamet, Indoensia 
Date of Distribution 12 May 2017 
     Title of the Conference 8th International Conference on Socio-economic and Environmental Issues in Development 
     Organiser National Economics University 
     Conference Place NEU, Hanoi, Vietnam 
     Province/State Hanoi 
     Conference Date 12 November 2017 
     To 13 November 2017 
Proceeding Paper
     Page 315-331 
     Abstract The research is aimed to compare household characteristics that support the disaster management practices of households located in the disaster prone area of Mt. Slamet in Indonesia. These practices are employed in Pemalang and Banyumas districts which are located in the disaster prone II area. The disaster prone II area was settled by the Indonesian government as a most risky area as it is located near to the peak of the mountain. To achieve the research aim, quantitative research was supported by qualitative observation research methods to fulfil this study. Two hundred and fourty six households in Pemalang and Banyumas districts were selected to be sampled using systematic random sampling design. Qualitative sampling was employed. In this study, the disaster management practices are divided into mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery phases. The result found that Pemalang district’s practice preparedness phase (82.1%) was better than others. While Banyumas district’s practice recovery phase (76.7%) was best. The weakest disaster management practice in Pemalang was shown to be the mitigation phase (55.6%); but Banyumas district’s response phase (52.7%) was the weakest disaster management practice. Based on household characteristics, Pemalang district employment was mostly in farming (64.1%). Conversely, households in Banyumas district worked as farmers (32.6%) and farm laborers (36.5%). Those located in the disaster prone II area, had agriculture as their main work because of the good quality of soil from Mt. Slamet. However, Pemalang district (94.0) had the healthier households when compared to Banyumas district (79.1).  
567080015-9 Ms. DIAH SETYAWATI DEWANTI [Main Author]
Humanities and Social Sciences Doctoral Degree

Peer Review Status ไม่มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Full paper 
Type of Presentation Oral 
Part of thesis true 
ใช้สำหรับสำเร็จการศึกษา ไม่เป็น 
Presentation awarding false 
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