2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article ADOSH- software with graphic user interface for analysis and design of truss structures 
Date of Acceptance 22 February 2018 
     Title of Journal Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 
     Standard SCOPUS 
     Institute of Journal A. Kaveh Professor of Structural engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology 
     Volume 19 
     Month April
     Year of Publication 2018 
     Page 273–286 
     Abstract In this article, Analysis and Design Optimization of truss Structures using meta-Heuristics (ADOSH) software for truss structural analysis and optimization has been developed to solve truss optimization problems with shape and sizing design variables. Graphical user interface (GUI) of the software is designed to simplify the work process of designers. The software was developed based on MATLAB programming language. Designers can easily analyze and approximate optimum solutions of a truss structure with or without computer programming background. Moreover, user-defined design variable decoding, user-defined optimizers as well as interfacing with another standalone application are also supported for more advanced design. 
     Keyword Truss optimization; finite element analysis; MATLAB codes; meta-heuristics 
587040020-2 Mr. NATEE PANAGANT [Main Author]
Engineering Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ได้รับการตอบรับให้ตีพิมพ์ 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation false 
Part of thesis true 
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