2012 ©
ชื่อบทความที่เผยแพร่ Stability and Synergistic Effect of Iron and Nitrogen Comodified TiO2 Photocatalysts on Strongly Structural Properties and Photoactivity 
วัน/เดือน/ปี ที่เผยแพร่ 2 มิถุนายน 2561 
     ชื่อการประชุม Annual User Meeting 2018 (AUM 2018) 
     หน่วยงาน/องค์กรที่จัดประชุม Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Public Organization) 
     สถานที่จัดประชุม Centara Grand Plaza Ladprao 
     จังหวัด/รัฐ Bangkok, Thailand 
     ช่วงวันที่จัดประชุม 2 มิถุนายน 2561 
     ถึง 2 มิถุนายน 2561 
Proceeding Paper
     Volume (ปีที่) 2018 
     Issue (เล่มที่)
     หน้าที่พิมพ์ 74-75 
     Editors/edition/publisher Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Public Organization) 
     บทคัดย่อ The TiO2 photocatalysts co-doped with Fe and N (Fe–N–TiO2) were produced by the hydrothermal method by using iron standard solution and urea as a Fe and N source with various concentrations of dopants. The characterizations of cooperated Fe–N–TiO2 photocatalysts such as crystallinity and phase structure, specific surface area, bandgap energy, surface morphology, elements and state of charges were analyzed by Wide Angle X–ray Scattering (WAXS), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) technique, UV–Visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV–Vis–DRs) by applying Kubelka–Munk plots, Focussed Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB–SEM) and X–ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. The performance of the synthesized Fe–N–TiO2 was evaluated by using the decomposition of ciprofloxacin under UV and visible light illumination. The results revealed that the effect of different concentrations of N and Fe was significant on the structural properties. The WAXS profiles demonstrated that the photocatalysts displayed the anatase and rutile phases. The decreasing of rutile phase intensity was found when increased the concentration of N. Additionally, the high N content showed the strong anatase peak as well. Therefore, the N can inhibit the phase transformation from anatase to rutile. The specific surface area increased when increased the Fe content and decreased N content. The bandgap energy of all Fe–N–TiO2 samples was determined by Kubelka–Munk theory to be in range 2.68–3.14 eV, which appeared lower than other studies for anatase TiO2 phase (3.20 eV) [1–2]. Moreover, the bandgap energy was decreasing when increased the dopants, especially Fe. The surface morphology revealed the nanorice–like in all samples. When the Fe content increased, the separation of the nanorice particle was discovered. Besides, some broken of the nanorice-like particles were found because the growth process was not completed [3]. The XPS investigation of the photocatalyst demonstrated that the N 1s peaks on Fe–N–TiO2 observed at binding energy 400–402 eV due to chemisorbed molecular of nitrogen or interstitial nitrogen in TiO2 lattice [4, 5]. On the other hand, the Fe 2p peak disappeared by applying the XPS investigation. The photodegradation of ciprofloxacin was performed under UV and visible light irradiation. The ciprofloxacin removal percentages were higher than 80% for 4 h under UV and visible light illumination. In addition, the percent degradation of ciprofloxacin was decreasing at high N content and low Fe content. 
587040037-5 นาย ทศพร สุวรรณเรือง [ผู้เขียนหลัก]
คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ ปริญญาเอก ภาคปกติ

การประเมินบทความ (Peer Review) มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
มีการเผยแพร่ในระดับ ชาติ 
รูปแบบ Proceeding Abstract 
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