2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Effect of moisture to shear strength trend of Khao Dok Mali 105 stems 
Date of Acceptance 9 September 2019 
     Title of Journal IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 
     Standard SCOPUS 
     Institute of Journal IOPSCIENCE 
     ISBN/ISSN 012008 
     Issue 301 
     Month September
     Year of Publication 2019 
     Abstract In the current rice harvesting, there is a growing popularity of combine harvesters. However, the study of the mechanical and physical properties of Thai rice stems is still limited. This research aims to study the trend of shear strength in various moisture including 50.3, 49.0, 46.6, 24.5, and 20.0 % w.b. of 3 Internodes stem of Khao Dok Mali 105. The shear strength was measured by the Lloyd LR50K Plus Materials Testing Machine. Data analysis software with NEXYGENPlus. With 1 kN of the load cell that combined with the designed shear test equipment. 30 rice stems sample tests per 1 moisture were used which divided into 3 internodes including N1 (upper internode), N2 (middle internode), and N3 (lower internode). The result shows that the shear strength was in the range 5.60-12.02, 5.93-12.96, and 6.07-14.22 MPa which is represented for N1, N2, and N3 respectively. In summary, the shear strength tended to decrease depending on the moisture of rice stems which affected to elasticity of fibers in rice stems. Therefore, this study suggested that the moisture of stems is directly affecting the shear strength. 
     Keyword Mechanical and physical properties, Khao Dok Mali 105, Shear strength trend  
615040066-7 Mr. KANTAPONG KHAESO [Main Author]
Engineering Master's Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
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