2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Novel techniques to enhance wound healing 
Date of Acceptance 19 March 2019 
     Title of Journal KKU Veterinary Journal 
     Standard TCI 
     Institute of Journal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand 
     Volume 29 
     Month April
     Year of Publication 2019 
     Page 7-14 
     Abstract Wound healing is a complex, dynamic and multifaceted biological process. Wound repair is mainly similar at all anatomical sites and can be divided into four major phases including hemostatic phase, inflammatory phase, proliferative phase and remodeling phase. Interrupted or failure during healing process can lead to chronic wound healing. Chronic wound healing is the most common complication in veterinary practice. This condition leads to painful, uncomfortable and later consequently died, as well as leads time consuming and cost of treatment. Currently, physical therapy modalities in the wound healing process have been developed and widely used for adjunctive therapy in veteri- nary medicine, including electrical stimulation, shockwave therapy, ultrasound therapy and low intensity laser therapy to enhance wound healing. The biological effects of electrical stimulation are result of exogenous electrical signals and are amplifying the biological signal into target tissue. The mechanism of shockwave therapy and ultrasound therapy are the consequence of cavitation phenomenon, activated cellular activity, and increase tissue perfusion. Meanwhile, mean mechanism of low intensity laser therapy is known to supply direct biostimulative light energy to target cells, and to initiate cellular processes. These modalities deliver physical energy to produce therapeutic biological effect, espe- cially inflammatory phase and proliferative phase. Importantly, the biological effects produced by these modalities are including supported the proper environment for healing process, increasing phagocytosis by macrophages, leukocyte adhesion, growth factor production, angiogenesis, collagen synthesis, fibroblast synthesis and granulation tissue for- mation. In additions, physical energy may affect into the remodeling stage by increasing wound breaking strength. 
     Keyword electrical stimulation, low intensity laser therapy, shockwave therapy, ultrasound therapy, wound healing 
597180007-2 Mr. SOMPHONG HOISANG
Veterinary Medicine Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication ชาติ 
citation false 
Part of thesis false 
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