2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title The Development of Augmented Reality Book to Promote Analytical Thinking on the Basic of Life Units for Secondary School 
Date of Distribution 26 August 2022 
     Title of the Conference ICITL 2022 International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Learning 
     Organiser Porto, Portugal & Virtual  
     Conference Place Online 
     Conference Date 29 August 2022 
     To 31 August 2022 
Proceeding Paper
     Volume 13449 
     Issue 978-3-031-15272-6 
     Page 134–143 
     Editors/edition/publisher Yueh-Min Huang,Shu-Chen Cheng,João Barroso,Frode Eika Sandnes 
     Abstract This study aims to 1) Develop an augmented reality (AR) book to help students develop basic analytical thinking abilities on the basic life units. 2) Examine how well students use analytical thinking when studying AR books. 3. Compare the learning outcomes of students before and after using the AR book. 4. Examine the students' satisfaction with the AR book. 40 students from Thailand's grade 7 served as the research participants. Analytical thinking tests, pre-tests and post-tests, and satisfaction assessments all are part of data collection method. The results showed that AR book “the basic of life units” was developed using unity 3D and designed using Adobe InDesign for four chapters. (1) the ability to identify elements of something or a particular subject (2) the capacity to recognize linked reasons, and (3) the capacity to judge the worth of items. The result found that the students’ Analytical thinking score were higher than the specified criterion as 70% of 37 people, representing 92.50%.The test performance of the students' achievement scores because of their study with the AR book exceeded the stipulated requirement as 70% of 36 people, or 90.00%, achieved such. At the level of.01 on the t-test scale, the post-test scores were significantly higher than those obtained during the initial testing. The majority of students gave the AR book a high rating for its ability to help them develop their analytical thinking skills (x ̅ 4.56, S.D. = 0.90)  
635050166-9 Miss CHAMAWEE SAMRANCHAI [Main Author]
Education Master's Degree

Peer Review Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Full paper 
Type of Presentation Oral 
Part of thesis true 
ใช้สำหรับสำเร็จการศึกษา ไม่เป็น 
Presentation awarding false 
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