ชื่อบทความ |
Efficiency improvement of PV module using a binary-organic eutectic phase change material in a finned container |
วัน/เดือน/ปี ที่ได้ตอบรับ |
17 พฤษภาคม 2565 |
วารสาร |
ชื่อวารสาร |
Energy Reports |
มาตรฐานของวารสาร |
หน่วยงานเจ้าของวารสาร |
2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
2352-4847 |
ปีที่ |
2022 |
ฉบับที่ |
Supplement 10 |
เดือน |
November |
ปี พ.ศ. ที่พิมพ์ |
2565 |
หน้า |
121-128 |
บทคัดย่อ |
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is a promising technology in solar energy conversion. There is plenty of solar energy available in tropical regions. However, increased PV module temperature during operation affects its performance in negative way. Thus, PV module cooling via passive cooling is of interest to overcome the problem and shows more attractive against active cooling techniques. In this work, phase change material (PCM) filled in a finned container is attached at the back surface of a PV module as for passive cooling. The PCM used is a novel organic eutectic PCM which is a mixture of Myristic acid and Stearic acid. Three proportions of these two acids, which are 60:40, 70:30 and 80:20 %wt, are investigated for PV module temperature reduction. Light intensity of 900–1000 W/m2 is generated by tungsten halogen bulbs as an irradiation onto the PV module. The PV module performances are examined and compared to those without PCM cooling. The results show that the organic eutectic PCM can reduce the PV module temperature and thus, enhance the PV module performance. Among three proportions, the 60:40 %wt mixture gives best results which are 7.06 ◦C reduction, 0.454 W power increase, and 4.226% module efficiency improvement. |
คำสำคัญ |
Eutectic; Phase change material; Photovoltaic; PV cooling; Efficiency |
ผู้เขียน |
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ตีพิมพ์แล้ว |
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นานาชาติ |
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