2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Effect of vermicompost tea on seed germination of Green Romaine (Lactuca sativa L. var. Jericho) and Green Batavia (Lactuca sativa L.var Concept) Lettuce 
Date of Acceptance 16 October 2018 
     Title of Journal วารสารแก่นเกษตร Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal 
     Standard TCI 
     Institute of Journal คณะเกษตรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น 
     Volume 47 
     Month มีนาคม-เมษายน
     Year of Publication 2019 
     Abstract Vermiculture is a technology which uses earthworm and microorganism to convert solid waste to become organic fertilizer. It can be collected vermicompost tea during decomposition of vermicompost. Vermicompost tea is liquid biofertilizer which can use to boot up plant nutrients and plant productions. Vermicompost tea was normally diluted being apply to plant and avoid plant damage. The objective of this study was to investigate and to find a suitable concentration of vermicompost tea for growing seed of Green Romaine (Lactuca sativa L. var. Jericho) and Green Batavia (Lactuca sativa L.var Concept) Lettuce. The experiment was arranged in a Complete Randomized Design with 3 replications in the petri dish. Vermicompost tea concentration was diluted to 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% and applies to lettuce seeds. 13 Days after planting, seed germination percentage, shoot length, root length, seed vigor index, fresh weight, and dry weight were collected. The results showed that 25 and 50 % of vermicompost tea were not significantly increase seed germination of Green Romaine and Batavia compared to control (p>0.05) but (75 and 100%) were significantly decrease the seed germination than the control. Nevertheless, 50 % of vermicompost tea was significant increase in shoot length, root length, seed vigor index, fresh weight and dry weight of both lettuce varieties compared to other treatments (p>0.05). Therefore, 50% vermicompost tea could be used to improve seed growth of both lettuce varieties 
     Keyword Vermicompost tea, green Romaine, green Batavia, and seed germination  
595030084-9 Mr. VITHIRAK HUY [Main Author]
Agriculture Master's Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ได้รับการตอบรับให้ตีพิมพ์ 
Level of Publication ชาติ 
citation true 
Part of thesis true 
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