2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title Cultural Untranslatability in Contemporary Dharma Books Translated from Thai into English: A case study of V.Vajiramedhi translated by Nopamas Veohong  
Date of Distribution 25 September 2018 
     Title of the Conference การประชุมวิชาการมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ระดับชาติและนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑ พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๑ (The 1st National and International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences: 1st HUNIC Symposium 2018)  
     Organiser มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสุรินทร์  
     Conference Place มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสุรินทร์  
     Province/State สุรินทร์ 
     Conference Date 14 September 2018 
     To 15 September 2018 
Proceeding Paper
     Page 1753 
     Editors/edition/publisher 1769 
     Abstract In this current study, it concentrates on analyzing cultural terms and factors affecting in cultural untranslatability that exist in contemporary dharma books translated from Thai into English version written by V.Vajiramedhi and translated by Nopamas Veohong. In Thai cultures, several cultural terms are not simply transfer for the full equivalent meanings to show in every aspect of cultural items from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). In regard to cultural terms (cultural items), there are ecology cultures, materials cultures, social cultures, religious cultures, tradition and customs including gestures and habits (Nida; 1964, Newmark, 1988; & Denoun, 2000). In translating, these cultural terms under the condition of cultural untranslatability can be able to lead the difficulties to translator finding the semantic and lexical meaning in order to present the same effect as same as the source audience such as form, function, sense and visual image. The methodology named atlast.it program was employed to identify and organize the loaded information following by the coding schemes of cultural terms and factors. The model of cultural terms adapted and adopted Nida; 1964, Newmark, 1988; and Denoun, 2000 including the factors were adopted from Baker (2011). The finding revealed that cultural terms existed and caused by factors in various aspects: 1) ecology culture caused by source language is not lexicalized in the target language (NSL), 2) material cultures and social cultures caused by lacking specific meaning from source language and target language (TLS), 3) traditions and customs stemmed from source language word is semantically complex (SC). Lastly is 4) religious cultures and gestures and habits affected by source language and target language making different in distinctive meaning (MDM), and source language word is semantically complex (SC). The factors also depend on the uniqueness and specific meaning. The more unique of each cultural term is, the more difficult is to translate. For the future study, more variety of samples should be examined from other translated texts and also audiovisual (e.g., novels, poetry, magazine, movies, TV - series) to expand this idea including linguistic untranslatability which this study is quite rare showing insightful details. 
575080029-5 Miss KAMONRAT KONGCHAN [Main Author]
Humanities and Social Sciences Master's Degree

Peer Review Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Full paper 
Type of Presentation Oral 
Part of thesis true 
Presentation awarding false 
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