2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title Parasitological study of Opisthorchis viverrini in streptozotozin-induced diabetes mellitus hamsters 
Date of Distribution 12 May 2013 
     Title of the Conference The 1st Asian Parasites by Asian Parasitologist (APAP): Helminthiases in Greater Mekong Subregion 
     Organiser Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, 
     Conference Place Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University 
     Province/State Khon Kaen, Thailand 
     Conference Date 12 May 2013 
     To 12 May 2013 
Proceeding Paper
     Page 74 
     Abstract Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the disease which can cause hyperglycemic state leading to many complication such as increases risk of infection especially bacteria and fungus. However, information about interaction of parasitic infection and DM is limited. DM has high prevalence in northeast Thailand where opisthorchiasis caused by liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini infection is also endermic. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of DM on O. viverrini development at 1 month post-infection in hamster induced by streotozotocin and non-induced group. The results revealed that liver per body weight ratio in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in non-induced group (0.036 0.003 vs. 0.058 0.013, P = 0.012). For the worm size of liver fluke in experimental group was smaller than in control non-induced group (worm legth; 3,982.76 315.24 µm vs. 3,195.16 513.76 µm, P = 0.025, worm width; 787.33 137.77 µm vs. 712.87 127.54 µm, P = 0.433). These results suggests that DM has the effect on both host and O. viverrini fecundity by changing in physiological conditions. 
557070026-9 Mr. APISIT CHAIDEE [Main Author]
Medicine Doctoral Degree

Peer Review Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Abstract 
Type of Presentation Poster 
Part of thesis true 
ใช้สำหรับสำเร็จการศึกษา ไม่เป็น 
Presentation awarding false 
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