ชื่อบทความที่เผยแพร่ |
วัน/เดือน/ปี ที่เผยแพร่ |
8 กันยายน 2561 |
การประชุม |
ชื่อการประชุม |
Apec-Icer 2018 |
หน่วยงาน/องค์กรที่จัดประชุม |
คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น |
สถานที่จัดประชุม |
คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น |
จังหวัด/รัฐ |
ขอนแก่น |
ช่วงวันที่จัดประชุม |
8 กันยายน 2561 |
ถึง |
11 กันยายน 2561 |
Proceeding Paper |
Volume (ปีที่) |
- |
Issue (เล่มที่) |
- |
หน้าที่พิมพ์ |
452-464 |
Editors/edition/publisher |
Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University |
บทคัดย่อ |
This study aimed to develop an implemented curriculum with emphasizing on mathematical problem solving process. Research methodology focused on protocol analysis and descriptive. The target group was a lesson study team consisting of two teachers and one pre-service teacher. The data was collected by using 6 lesson plans on adding numbers with results more than 10 in terms of number and operation on 1st grade, field note and teaching field note. The data was analyzed from protocol of designing lesson plan, classroom observation and reflection; and students’ worksheet. After that the researcher used the data to analyze by using Systematic Models of Curriculum and Instruction (Inprasitha, subcommittee of the Basic Education Commission, 2015) by using lesson study and open approach based on Inprasitha (2010; 2011)
The finding from collaborative plan, the lesson study team read and analyze 1st grade textbooks on issues; 1) objectives 2) open-ended problem 3) materials: to analyze the illustrations and the character speeches, and 4) worksheets. After applied the 6 lesson plans in topic of student assessment; did students achieve their objectives found that, during each lesson plan, students had many methods to solve problems and achieved each objective. There are guideline for developing the implemented curriculum in the next academic year, thus 1) during the first period, teacher would spend too much time for review content thus, they need to manage time appropriate, 2) teacher should check materials in order to avoid the students’ problem solution idea effect, 3) teacher should provide blocks for the student, 4) teachers should show the student how to move the blocks, moving the eggs, linking to the diagrams, 5) the direction must be clear and teachers have to describe and adapt their explanation words to students into actual words like; transform, and 6) the materials should be worthily used through providing the students actual practice to analyze which idea is easy or difficult. |
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รูปแบบ Proceeding |
Full paper |
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Citation |