2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title A Comparison of Mathematics Pre-service Teacher Education: A Case Study of Two Universities in Thailand and the United States 
Date of Distribution 8 May 2018 
     Title of the Conference 8th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME8) 
     Organiser National Taiwan Normal University 
     Conference Place National Taiwan Normal University 
     Province/State Taipei, Taiwan 
     Conference Date 7 May 2018 
     To 11 May 2018 
Proceeding Paper
     Page 265 
     Editors/edition/publisher EARCOME 
     Abstract The study described here compared and contrasted the differences and similarities of the mathematics pre-service teacher education preparation at two universities in two countries: Thailand and the United States. The teacher is the most important element in an education system because the quality of the teacher and teaching influence the quality of education and students’ learning (Inprasitha, 2015; Takahashi, 2015; Yeap, Foo & Soh, 2015). Moreover, high quality pre-service teacher education supports the acquisition of pre-service teachers’ essential knowledge and skills (Inprasitha, 2015). Toward these aims the educators in both countries sought to enact a particular style of mathematics pre-service teacher education. Participants included pre-service teachers in the Mathematics Education Program, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Thailand and pre-service teachers in Integrated Mathematics for Adolescent to Young Adult (Secondary) Education Program, College of Education & Human Development, Bowling Green State University, the United States. Method: a qualitative research design was used in this study. Data were collected by observations and documents. Analysis: The text from the observation notes, and document reviews were considered together and coded through the lens of curricular structure and professional development. Findings 1) the curriculum structures of mathematics pre-service teacher education in Thailand and the United States were found to be similar. Nevertheless, the difference is Mathematical Pedagogical Content Knowledge (MPCK) as following; 2) in both countries, the school mathematics/ MPCK classes focused on problem solving in ordered to encourage pre-service teachers to realize that problem solving was important in classroom teaching 3) during the pre-service teacher education program, pre-service teachers had opportunities to engage in several professional developments such as mathematics camps, workshops, and conferences. They learn to work with each other through many activities. Moreover, they had the opportunities to observe and participate in the classrooms that using lesson study incorporating open approach.  
557050008-3 Miss NISAKORN BOONSENA [Main Author]
Education Doctoral Degree

Peer Review Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Full paper 
Type of Presentation Oral 
Part of thesis false 
ใช้สำหรับสำเร็จการศึกษา ไม่เป็น 
Presentation awarding false 
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