2012 ©
Journal Publication
Research Title Leucocyte recruitment associates dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in ICR mice 
Date of Distribution 22 May 2019 
     Title of the Conference The 4th MSU International Veterinary Conference 
     Organiser Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Mahasarakham University 
     Conference Place Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Mahasarakham Universit 
     Province/State มหาสารคาม 
     Conference Date 21 May 2019 
     To 22 May 2019 
Proceeding Paper
     Page 23 
     Abstract Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder. Pathophysiological mechanism of UC remains unclear; it could be characterized by inflammatory response in colon. A pro-inflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor alpha (Tnf-α), plays a key role to activate leucocyte recruitment via enhancing adhesion molecules, namely intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (Icam-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (Vcam-1), and a chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (Mcp-1). This study focused on how inflammatory pathway associated dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced UC in outbred ICR mice. Methods: A 21% (w/v) aqueous solution of DSS (MW 40 kDa) was prepared. Male ICR mice (6 weeks old) were orally administrated a 0.25 mL-aliquot of DSS solution 4 times a day for 4 and 7 consecutive days. The control mice were simply given sterile water. At the end of UC induction, colons were collected to examine expressions of Tnf-α, Mcp-1, Icam-1, and Vcam-1 mRNA by RT-qPCR. Results: DSS significantly elevated the expression of Tnf-α and Mcp-1 mRNA compared to the control at both day 4 and day 7 of the UC induction. The mRNA levels of Icam-1 and Vcam-1 were up-regulated in the DSS-treated mice with a significant difference from the controls on the day 7 of induction. Conclusion: These findings revealed the activation of leucocyte recruitment as the pathophysiological mechanism, at least in part, of the DSS-induced UC in ICR mice.  
597150011-1 Miss NITIMA TATIYAAPHIRADEE [Main Author]
Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctoral Degree

Peer Review Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Level of Conference นานาชาติ 
Type of Proceeding Abstract 
Type of Presentation Oral 
Part of thesis true 
Presentation awarding true 
     Award Title The best oral presentation 
     Type of award รางวัลด้านวิชาการ วิชาชีพ 
     Organiser คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม 
     Date of awarding 22 พฤษภาคม 2562 
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