2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Problem-Solving and Transfer of Learning on Student in Industrial: Integration Between Pedagogy and Neuroscience 
Date of Acceptance 31 August 2020 
     Title of Journal Lecture Notes in Computer Science 
     Standard SCOPUS 
     Institute of Journal Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 
     ISBN/ISSN 0302-9743 
     Volume 2020 
     Issue 12555 
     Month พฤศจิกายน
     Year of Publication 2020 
     Page 399-408 
     Abstract This study aimed to design and develop the Constructivist Webbased Learning Environment Model to Enhance Problem-solving and Transfer of learning on students in industrial. The methodology in this study uses Developmental Research - Type I. That focusing on the principles of designing and developing a model, the model is designed and developed according to the following steps. (1) examine and analyze the principles theories, and research (2) study learner context (3) synthesize the theoretical framework (4) to synthesize the designing framework (5) developing the Constructivist Web-based Learning Environment Model and (6) assessing the efficiency. The results of the study found that: 1) The theoretical framework consists of 6 bases: (1) Learning theory base, (2) pedagogical base, (3) Media theory base, (4) neurological base, (5) Technological base, and (6) Context of instructional base 2) The designing framework consisted of 5 stages and 9 elements, were as follows: (1) Activate cognitive structure (2) Support for adjusting cognitive structure (3) Support for enlarging cognitive structures (4) Foster for problem-solving and transfer (5) promote and assist knowledge construction and 9 components were as follows: (1) Problem base (2) Resources (3) Cognitive tool (4) Collaboration for problem-solving (5) Center for enhancing problem-solving (6) Center for transfer of learning (7) Related cases (8) Scaffoldings, and (9) Coaching. 
     Keyword Problem solving, Web-based learning environment , Constructivist learning, Transfer of learning 
597050021-5 Mr. CHAN SINGKAEW [Main Author]
Education Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ตีพิมพ์แล้ว 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation false 
Part of thesis true 
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