2012 ©
Journal Publication
Title of Article Adaptable ergonomic interventions for patients with cerebral palsy to rice farmers activities: reviews and recommendations 
Date of Acceptance 8 November 2019 
     Title of Journal The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) 
     Standard SCOPUS 
     Institute of Journal Khon Kaen University 
     ISBN/ISSN 2539-6293 
     Volume 24 
     Issue 04 
     Month Oct - Dec
     Year of Publication 2019 
     Page 1 - 9 
     Abstract People with cerebral palsy (CP) were functionally restricted to differing degrees due to their main control and coordination decrease of their movements. Although inherently differences in causation, the physical disabilities faced by CP patients might also be experienced by rice farmers due to the risky environmental and unsafe working posture conditions. This article provides a systematic review of available ergonomic interventions for CP disabled people that could be applicable to rice farmers. All papers were retrieved from the last 20-years collection from nine major search engines, including: “Scopus”, “Web of Science”, “CINAHL”, “Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews”, “Education Source”, “ERIC”, “Journals@OVID”, “MEDLINE”, and “PASCAL”. Specified terms of “ergonomic interventions”, “congenital disability”, “cerebral palsy”, and “orthoses” were used as search keywords. Two independent reviewers defined whether the articles met to the inclusion criteria of (1) the article was a review or the next best available; (2) it contained of ergonomic interventions; and (3) more than 25% of participants were persons with CP. So far, there were 21 articles relating to the research of ergonomic interventions for people with CP. The ergonomic interventions studied on those articles were categorized as (1) engineering, (2) administrative and (3) behavioral interventions. Detailed discussions regarding to adoptability of each intervention were then provided in terms of capability for assistance, improvement and prevention of MSDs problems. Type of intervention of CP patients that might be adoptable for rice farmers were then discussed, along with related examples that had been proposed for reducing risk of injury among rice farming workers. In general, the findings recommended that a certain combination of engineering and administrative ergonomic interventions for CP patients treatment, with slightly modifications, might be adopted for rice farmers for preventing them from risky environmental and unsafe working posture conditions. 
     Keyword Ergonomic interventions, Congenital disability, Cerebral palsy, Rice farmers 
597040038-4 Mr. AGUNG KRISTANTO [Main Author]
Engineering Doctoral Degree

Reviewing Status มีผู้ประเมินอิสระ 
Status ได้รับการตอบรับให้ตีพิมพ์ 
Level of Publication นานาชาติ 
citation true 
Part of thesis true 
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